Friday, 27 February 2009

For Week 4 : Mind Map

Method of creative thinking : Logical and associated mind map

For this week 4 is to do a creative digital mind map of myself and upload it. Give a simple explanation e.g explain more about myself, or my experience in doing the mind map etc.

The title that lecturer give us is about "My Dark Side". This is the mind-map that I done while during the class. I just wrote it down in a paper and I scanned it into my computer as my mind-map which about my dark side.

I always thinks that the one who most understand himself or herself is his own or her own.

So as the one who most knew about myself must be myself too. About the title of "My Dark Side", I'm a very passive person. I was less give a oppurtunity to each other to communicate because I just like to assume that people won't know or understand me - I'm also don't mean to explain more after spoke one times.

I used to be a person who are unsociable. Thus, I'm also a talkless person. Because I'm a closed-minded person, I'm never mean to ask others to give me some advise, and I don't know how to share - no matter my emotion or secret, except the knowledge and information. I used to keep many thing inside my mind and heart. So I'm also always very stressed and get stressed easily.

I have a very bad habit which is I used to punch people or kick people whenever I was felt unhappy or angry. I just can't control myself. People told me that I'm very like to bully and looks very happy when bully people. I'm such a violence girl and I know it and I also never mean to change myself because I just like to be the way I am. I'm such a cruel and rude person who don't care the others feeling while I punch or kick them, right? I guess you're right.

Maybe someday or few years later I might change myself and try to improve myself in the social life. Because I still believe that nobody can live alone in this world.

I'd became more understand to myself after draw this mind map and I can make sure what should I change and improve myself with more clear message showed in this mind map. "Be a social person, don't lock yourself alone", this is the message I saw in my mind-map. Can you see it?

Friday, 20 February 2009

Defining Creativity on Week 3

In week 3, our lesson is about "Create Image of Your Friend". Each student have to find one partner and ask about 10 questions. Then we can start to sketch the partner image based on the questions that we had asked. I'm was very excited and actually I'm also guessing his answer when I asked he a question because we had know each other since we study in MMU.

The questions that I asked was as following :

1.) Que : What is your hobby ?

Ans : Reading comic, watching animation , and chatting

2.) Que : What is your favourite color ?

Ans : Blue

3.) Que : How is your co-curriculum status ?

Ans : Erm...Not Active

4.) Que : How is your daily routines ?

Ans : Sleep in day, awake in night

5.) Que : How is your personality ?

Ans : Optimistic

6.) Que : The most thing you will do when you at home ?

Ans : Lean on the floor with my pillow and read comis or watch animation until I sleep.

7.) Que : Do you have any boyfriend or girlfriend ?

Ans :'s a sercet....pass to next question please....

8.) Que : What would you do in the class everytimes ?

Ans : Listening to music, chatting with my friends, drawing, or read comic....hahahaha~~

9.) Que : What do you like to eat ?

Ans : Erm....a lots...and I can't name them all....

10.)Que : Why don't you learn Taekwondo too ?

Ans : Because I'm lazy exercise....haha~

So this is his image which based on the questions that he answered :

Reflections on lesson in Week 2

Reflections on lessons learn, your expectations from the class, what you would like to learn from this class etc

Creative --- for me, it is some kind like a motion to make me to invent something new, which is something fresh for me and others. Or mean the material has the high potential to be invented in very creatively. It also will give inspire to people which also will bring the “color” to our boring life. Such as surprise that we can’t be expect.

Creativity ---- I think this is something which mean the art work or the something else has been created and the invention of the following things are very creative and accepted and like by the public. Creativity is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight.

Consequence, I think all of these also are about the idea so that can have the creative idea to invent the interesting invention. The invention could be the art work, the sculpture or mostly the creative are used in the design. All are about the new idea and new concept so that it would like creative because there are no people do this or that before (have the talent to invent something new).

AS I'm an unsociable person, I hope I can change myself become more open-minded and become more creative and active, no matter in the class or out of the class.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

For Week 2

This week topic is "Creative & Creativity".