Monday 30 March 2009

For Week 7

The Scary Image ThatFear Me

"This is a tokay gecko which has the scientific or Latin name Gecko gekko. It's the species which gave its name to this whole worldwide family of lizards. Not only is it very attractively colored and patterned, it's also unusual for a lizard in being vocal, making its loud "gekko, gekko" call through the night."----research from

Sometimes it doesn't matter how incredible the name of the animal is and how incredible that the people appreaciate these animal, for me , I think that the most important is the outloook of these type of animal are very terrify me out and the eyes of its eyes are very scary no matter they are looking at me or not. Sometimes I would related this animal with the snake. I can't recognize which type of lizard are poison and which are not poison. So, in my concept, all of these type of animal are poison and scaring and we should avoid them. Sometimes they might always will makes me to imagine more disgusting thing happen such as if they start to eat the human or bite the human so that we get poison and die. I just can't stop myself to think something bad on these type of animal when I saw them. I think this is the animal that most terrifying me.

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